CONELE Intensive Mixer Type CQM


CO-NELE processing technology-proven in the refractory industry worldwide
for many decades now, co-nele has been offering cutting-edge technologies for the preparation of refractory compounds.

intelligent and future-oriented concepts of process desigen are needed for final products to meet today’s new quality requirements. co-nele jojns the ustomer in optimizing his process and supplies all he needs-  from mixing ,feeding and control technology to complete production lines-all from a single source.

mixing technology
the machine range is flexible enough to meet all aspect of refractory material preparation,whether dry or press-moist

pelletizing technology
mix pelletizers for defined grain sizes (mixing and pelletizing in just one single unit -the co-nele intensive mixer)

intensive mixer


Grinding technology
clay mills for grinding of dry and pit-wet clays(svz)
agitated media milla for the dry and wet fine-gringding of hard materials
feeding weighing and conveying
All components are fed in exact accordance with the mix composition by automatic systems which are coordinated with the properties of the raw materials and additives on the one hand and with the convey-

ing, loading and handling systems on the other.

Control and process control technology
Monitoring and optimization of the entire production

sequence, including formula management by the batch controller. Forward-looking planning of main-tenance measures and online documentation with
the ServiceEpertsoftware package.
process engineering
Each application is tested and optimized in its processparameters at the co-nele test center. Trial productionruns can be conducted on site with hired machines,
Plant engineering
The results of the process engineering tests are usedas basis for designing stand-alone machines andcomplete lines. In drawing up the concepts, dueallowance is made for further factors sucH as the
production range, capacity, degree of automation,labor safety and environmental protection.
Training of operating and maintenance personnel.Plant assembly/installation, commissioning and re-liable supply of spare parts worldwide.
EIRICH technologies are being used successfully bycompanies all over the world in the preparation ofhigh-quality refractory products.

CO-NELE has special experiences in

the following product areas
■ molded products
-press bodies for all types of brick

also as hot mixes

compounds for light refractory bricks,foaming compounds
■ non-molded products
dense vibrating, casting, tamping
and gunning mixes

heat insulating compounds
mortar and filler cement
■ special materials
mixes and pellets for oxide ceramic
and non-oxide ceramic materials
mixes for ceramic
fiber materials

■ prefabricated components

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Post time: Jun-28-2018
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